The New York Times article entitled "The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate" discusses a theory put forward by scientists at CERN to explain why the Large Hadron Collider seems to be jinxed. Perhaps the sub atomic particle known as the Higgs Boson is so abhorrent to nature that the universe is conspiring to prevent its creation. Below I have set forth my theory as to why a universe destroying particle might appear to be impossible to make.The multiverse theory proposes that, at every juncture in time where a decision is made, reality branches out into parallel universes in which each of the various possibilities are played out. We find ourselves in the one which is the result of the influence of our choice or chance, hence ( the illusion of ) free will.
If it is possible to create a particle which will destroy the universe, it makes sense to me that the process of destruction will not be like a regular explosion which expands outward through time and space, as this would be acting within the confines of the universe as we know it, and would merely be the destruction of structures within the universe, not of the space/time continuum itself.
I think such a cosmic collapse would, by necessity, implode backward through time causing the universe to cease to exist from the beginning. This would eliminate that particular multiverse back to the moment of it's inevitable destruction, leaving only multiverses in which events had conspired to prevent the creation of the doomsday particle.
The resultant perception would be that every attempt to initiate the particle would be foiled by some random event. I suppose that the harder they try to create the particle the more absurd and unlikely will be the set-backs. Or perhaps as each set-back is overcome then each subsequent attempt to start up the Collider will cause the project (and our universe) to be "set back" to the next most likely preventative event, in reverse chronological order, all the way back eventually to the untimely death of Higgs himself.
My hope is that research on the LHC will reveal the end of time, in the sense of a theoretical proof of the nonexistence of time. Or perhaps the non-uni-directionality of time.
Subsequent technological applications of the science in quantum computing will bring us, not time travel, but at least trans-temporal communication and computation. That will be enough to make everything we know meaningless; a Kurtzweilian (or Kurt Vonnegutian) singularity.
So now (armed with the above Higgs Boson Fate theory) if it the temporal singularity doesn't happen I can explain that it did occur in another parallel universe which we are prevented from experiencing; not by an overly patronizing intelligent designer who manipulates our fate by choosing which of the multiverses we can inhabit, but by a self regulating property of reality itself. ;o)
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