Reductionism is a threat to the evolution of consciousness.
Reductionists can accept only one explanation for reality and they attempt to dominate all realms of discourse, from religion to science.
At its worst this manifests in various forms of fundamentalism (Capitalist, Evangelical, Wahhabi, Darwinist... whatever). Some of these guys will kill you if you disagree with them.
It is not religion, science or politics that is the problem, it is the blind clinging to a single ideology. This is the reductionist rather than the holistic view. This is how a Christian like Hitler or an atheist like Stalin can both send millions to their deaths.
People who want to retain the freedom to use their own brains need to stand up against fundamentalism and reductionism wherever they encounter it.
New version has 'fountain of crown'
There's a new Psiche post on the new version of the blog!
Don't forget this blog has changed addres...
15 years ago
wow. I have found a teacher.
You put into words what I have a sense of but can't structure into ideas because I lack the terminology, the language.
I'll visit here a lot but probably won't comment often at risk of sounding like an utter moron.
I studied science (genetics, mostly) in university, and had to take electives in the humanities. People generally seemed to think the two weren't connected. "people aren't animals, for godssake! blah, blah, blah..."
So uplifting to see someone show it's all related. Really important in understanding ourselves as a species, as well.
Would it be alright if I post your comment on Sharbot Lake as a post of its own? It really should be read.
Thanks 900,
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been away for a few days. And I have to figure out how to get this blog to notify me when someone comments on a post as I didn't notice you had.
Please do respond when the feeling strikes you. Pass on the URL. I am hoping to hear from like minded people, or even those who question or disagree with what I say here.
I always enjoy your views on the Uranium debacle. Feel free to repost my comment re Davis and Lovelace if its not too late!
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